The Pitfalls of Dawah: OR: Why Don’t People Embrace Islam Immediately

Yasir Qadhi


Dawah is not an easy process. There are times when you will see no results in your Dawah. We have to understand that this is just part of the process. There are also some reasons why people don’t embrace Islam right away. There are multiple factors as to why people would be resistant at first.

All lectures by Yasir Qadhi

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One Response to “ Yasir Qadhi – The Pitfalls of Dawah: OR: Why Don’t People Embrace Islam Immediately ”

  1. Mohammed Ali Liton says:

    After listening to a lecture/ Khutba about Modi and how his part is oppressing Indian Muslims , I have been blocked from Muslim central podcast. Don’t know how to contact anyone about it. Or how to resolved it. I use Muslim central podcast for my Friday Khutba preparation in out local masjid in Leesburg, FL. My contact is: denttech926@gmail & 407-340-7084. Thank you.

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  • Wazir Hussein and Family
  • Philip Rice and Family
  • Ahmad/Arezoo & Family
  • Ashfaq / Arshia Mehdi
  • Sam's parents
  • Halimah & Family
  • Rokiah & Family
  • Syed Najeeb Hyder Razvi
  • Hachim&FamilySaidAli
  • Joy B Walters & Family
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