We Have Been Chosen
Nouman Ali Khan
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Allahu Akbar !!!!! MashaAllah !!!! Ya Allah (swt) be proud of us, ameen. He has CHOSEN you and I as Muslim and may He guide us with taqwa and knowledge of the Quran and the LOVE of Prophet Muhammad(saw)ameen.
Alhamdu lillah
Alhamdu lillah ala kulli ni’imatin.
Thank you. We have corrected the typo.
Mashallah worthy speech and worthy brother Noaman khan . May allah reward you brother and accept your good deeds. Ameen
Jazak Allahu Khayr Br. Khan. As always, a beautiful, insightful, and powerful speech. May Allah (swt) reward you and accept your good deeds. Aameen. May Allah (swt) grant us tawfeeq in our affairs. Aameen
masha Allah , amazing khutba…
Allah grant him more wisdom and all of us jannah.ameen
Searching for its other half deliberately. Guess its not uploaded yet!
Next half of this lecture means evening session with youth is under the title: “Impact of Youth in Today’s Society “
Masha Allah! A good reminder.
It would have been good if Brother Noman informed the audience about the Sajdah Ayah which he recited Surah 22 Verse 77. It is not a Sajdah Ayat according to Hanafis but it is an Ayat of Sajdah according to Shafis.
Though, only Hanafis consider Sadjah Ayats to be Wajib and necessary whereas others consider it to be recommended only.