Akhlaq (Good Manners)
Kamal el Mekki
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Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb This is a very good lecture May Allah(swt) bless us all with Akhlaq ameen
دابة العنكبوت تكشف عن موقع سفينة نوح علية السلام من القران الكريم وهي حاليا موجودة في حضرموت.شبوة. اليمن ادخلshipnoah.com Noah’s Ark Hadramout Yemen. سفينة نوح علية السلام MUST WATCH!!!shipnoah.com
SALAAM,its a ,great lecture.Jazakumullahu khair.
ASA Brother this is a topic that recently had with some family and friends a mixture of both Muslims as well as Non-Muslims. All have agreed that this is important and has been a very big reason that some will not inquire about Islam because they have feared it based on the manners they would see displayed by the people who claim to be better. Shukran for this kutbah, I will pass it along and may Allah Aza Wa Jal reward you the very best of this as well as the Afterlife…Ameen