Imam Bukhari’s Book of Manners (al-Adab al-Mufrad)
Abu Eesa Niamatullah
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
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Assalamu alaikum
Alhamdulillah, the entire SEASON ONE is available on the PG site here:
MashaAllah, I love it!
assalamu alikum
please i need brother to help me about a perticular hadith that it is in bukhari duafa al kabir. said amantu billahil azim wakafartu…….? please
Salaams brother Muhammad
I asked Ustadh Abu Eesa for you about this and he said:
“Yes, this hadith has the text:
آمنت بالله وكفرت بالطاغوت
“I have believed in Allah and disbelieved in all false gods”
This is part of a longer narration that the Prophet (s) said to say ten times at night time before sleeping.
Yet this narration is definitely weak as mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma’l-Zawa’id for more than one reason, so we should NOT consider it an authentic statement of the Prophet (s).
And Allah knows best.”
i liked the lecture very much mashallah
asw mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaalllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i really like the way he delivers his lecture. He really makes you ponder… and it seems like i shold go through his lecture time and again to understand it fully.
do watch “night of power “and trust me that is the best as well
دابة العنكبوت تكشف عن موقع سفينة نوح علية السلام من القران الكريم وهي حاليا موجودة في حضرموت.شبوة. اليمن ادخل Noah’s Ark Hadramout Yemen. سفينة نوح علية السلام MUST WATCH!!!
how much of this was not on halaltube? Isn’t it all here?
MashAllah may he be rewarded for all his goodness he has spread around and may be benifit from his teaching which is incredible…
Mashallah brother Esa,
May Almighty Allah bless you with all the knowledge He has in store for you and make it easy for you to share with others to the best of your ability,and make it easy for our ears and hearts.We are only allowed to envy someone for his knowledge I do envy you brother Eesa.
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Assalamu a’laykum, can anyone answer to my question? Imam Albani rewritten this book and omitted some hadiths. E.g : hadith about Ali rodiallohu anhu kissed hands and feet of Ibn Abbas rodiallohu anhu. Why Imam Albani removed this hadith and is there anyone else except Albani who mentioned this hadith as a daeeff. Jazakallohu khoyron.