Sustenance (Rizq is From Allah)

Ismail ibn Musa Menk


Mufti Menk reminds us what Allah says in the Qur’an regarding our income and how to increase it by following what is correct.

All lectures by Ismail ibn Musa Menk

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  • Abu Ilyas
  • Honesty Parker
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13 Responses to “ Ismail ibn Musa Menk – Sustenance (Rizq is From Allah) ”

  1. Asma Ali says:

    May Allah (swt) reward you for this lecture Insha-Allah.

  2. Nor Fardillah says:

    Alhamdulillah . Thanks to Allah For this lecture. Very meaningfull lecture indeed for me with beautifull recital of the Quran.

  3. suha cassim says:

    Marshalah for this as per the usual well thought out and eloquent lecture..jazakllah for the upload, been a while since I logged on to Halaal tube, my first Islamic online channel.

  4. Mufleh says:

    MashAllah. What a comprehensive summary on Rizq. Probably would have to listen to or read ten different sources to come up with the information discussed in this one lecture. MashAllah.

    This should be shared with all.

  5. Lindy says:

    seems interesting! I bookmarked it, will read it later. keep up the good work fellas!

  6. alyina says:

    Mashallah he is very good,he explain everything very nicely.we want to get more his lecture

  7. Jule says:

    seems interesting! I bookmarked it, I will read later. keep up the good work fellas!

  8. Ridzuan Abdullah says:

    Thank You for the wonderfull talk.Hope to meet you one day.I never miss any of your have enlighten many of us with this give from ALLAH SWT.

  9. Ridzuan says:

    Would love to see you come and give a lecture on Islam in Singapore.I am a convert from Christianity .There are times listening to your talks can bring tears to my eyes.May ALLAH SWT bless you and your family for sharing with us the knowledge that you are gifted with.I am looking forward to be present at one of your talks.Please let me know if you are coming to Singapore or Malaysia in the near future.Salam

  10. Munssif says:

    Another great one from sheikh..

  11. bilkis says:

    Tthis is such a wonderful lecture. There is many things to learn from. Hope that it will work for kids as well. They can learn , gather knowledge,spread it to others. We hope we will learn more from you. Thanks.

  12. Tarik says:

    Masaallah through your lecture I improved my err, and try to follow the holly Quran and profhet Mohamed (sal) path.

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Please make dua for the following who help contribute monthly to Halal Tube to cover our hosting costs:

  • Abu Ilyas
  • Honesty Parker
  • Usman Makhdoom
  • Azam Syed and Family
  • Muhammad Naveed Khan
  • Shabbir/Butt Family
  • Nilofar Syed
  • Wazir Hussein and Family
  • Philip Rice and Family
  • Ahmad/Arezoo & Family
  • Ashfaq / Arshia Mehdi
  • Sam's parents
  • Halimah & Family
  • Rokiah & Family
  • Syed Najeeb Hyder Razvi
  • Hachim&FamilySaidAli
  • Joy B Walters & Family
  • Abubakar
  • Sayyeda Zohra Nazir and family
  • Your Name Here